Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take.............. but by the number of moments that take our breath away

Friday, November 6, 2009

The Climb

People ask why I don't update more and it's because there is nothing to report. We are still waiting for a court date, we have no idea when this might happen I hope in the next couple of weeks. We still do not have all of our funds in place and are working on raise more money. My two daughters like Miley Cyrus so I get to hear her songs often in the car with them, She has a song that has spoken to me about our adoption process and I listen to it daily during my walks. I have coped the lyrics it says it all for me it is just where I am .

The Climb
I can almost see it,
That dream I'm dreamin'
But theres a voice inside my head sayin'
You'll never reach it

Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking

But I gotta keep tryin'
Gotta keep my head held high
Theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down
But, No, I'm not breaking
I may not know it
But these are the moments that
I'm gonna remember Most, yeah
Just gotta keep goin'

And, I, I got to be Strong
Just Keep pushing, on
'Cause theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
Sometimes i'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its The Climb


Theres always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a up-hill battle
somebody's gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about whats waiting on the other side
Its the climb

Keep on movin'
Keep climbin'
Keep the faith baby
Its all about
Its all about
The climb
Keep the faith, keep the faith woah

Monday, September 14, 2009


Two weeks ago I received a call that we have been waiting for it has taken 10 months ….Kristy we have a referral for your family . We had gotten this call before but it just was not the child for us. This time so many different things seem to fall into place. Once we received information on Solomon I ask a small group of prayer warriors to pray over our family. On last Friday we received the called we had been waiting for his medical clearance. It was clear as we had thought It would be. At that time we were able to officially accept his referral. Here is what I can share about our son Solomon. He is 5 his birthday is in June so he is just a little younger than Brayden. I was not sure how I would handle two five year old boys in the same house but the more we prayed the more it made sense. Solomon has been living at the orphanage for 3 years he loves soccer and speaks Asante Twi and English. I don’t know how much longer our journey will be as now it is in the hands of the Ghana government. We are approaching a year that we have been working on this and I feel like I may see the top of the mountain maybe. I think it is interesting that Solomon means peace I pray that our family will give this child a sense of peace. As we wait everyday for more news I continue to fill our grant requests and work on fundraisers. Please continue to keep us in your prayers and add Solomon to them.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Not much happening

It’s been so long you would think I have so much to update, but I don’t. Not much has changed we have received approval on our I-600A. We have been turned down for three grants they do not have enough funding right know for those who qualify. We are hoping that next week we will finally get some referrals, our agency has had a gentlemen they work with in Ghana for a month getting referrals for us. He arrived back this past Thursday . I am hoping to hear early this week. I have been doing some fundraising we had our stuff out at the swap meet over the weekend we made about 150.00. I think most of our t-shirts sold at the Yogurt Mill. I know that once we accepted the referral they want more money I don’t have. I have been praying about what body part I could live without and selling it. Anyway I hope to have some exciting news next week. Thank you again for all of your prayers.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Our paper work has been sent to Ghana now we wait for a referral. I am so excited to see the child God has in store for us. Thankfully for you this is a post and not me in front of you jumping up and down with excitement. Sometimes it just hits me the excitement and fear that awaits my family. We have read everything and talked to many people but just like have a child you won't really know till you experience it. Anyway that is all I will say on that. Everyone who lives in San Diego if you would like to buy one of our shirts you may go to the Yogurt Mill in La Mesa. You get a free yogurt with purchase. I having a wonderful friend who has offered to let us put our shirts in her store. I hope my next post will be with news of a child.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Our Shirts

Here are the fundraiser shirts. We have 50 to start and see how they do we are selling them for $15. We only got a few sizes Adult XL Adult M and Youth M. I hope that you will find one that fits. I will be selling them at a rummage sale on the 4th in Lemoore and than I will being them to San Diego for Easter. I think they will be for sale at the Yogurt Mill in La Mesa. On the adoption front our home study is just about done all we have to do is make a few changes on the wording and it is done. We have mailed our Dossier into our agency so they can have it sent to Ghana. Now we will wait for Ghana to send us a referral on a child. Now that our home study is done I can start applying for Grants. It is up to me to get the money. I said to my friend I have sent in all the paper work I now will just trust in the Lord that we will get the money. I will update you after the sale or if there are any changes or developments. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Changes, Changes, Changes

We had been told from the beginning that things can change and they have. At the end of January Liberia suspended their adoption program until laws, policies and proper guidelines have been established. This was because of some gross mismanagement of some adoption programs by some agencies. Our agency was not involved in this, but this has stop all adoptions until the Liberian Government feels they want to reopen it. With that said it seems that it could be awhile until we would move forward. After praying about it and talking with our agencies we have decided to go forward and adopt from to Ghana. Our agency that we are working through for our home study has a program in Ghana. When we chose Liberia, Ghana was our second choice so God must have plans for us there. We will now just be working with African Cradle. It will be a bit more expensive but it seems like the best choice. Our home study should be done by the first week in March. I hope to go next week and file our immigration paper work. I am hoping to get some shirts made up to sell as a fundraiser I will let you know how that goes in the next few weeks. We will continue to press on and lean in to him. Thank you for all your support and prayers.